Yesterday was the Procession of the Species in Olympia- for those of you not familiar here is a quick
Its a big annual parade that happens each year right after Earthday which makes its way through downtown- its has grown to have around 20,000 spectators! Participants use recycled materials to make costumes representing our natural world- there are four elements: earth, air, wind, and of course fire...
It was Jonah's first- at this time last year I was about 10 weeks pregnant! We were given a great Octopus costume for him to wear which as just about too cute. He was enthralled with the parade, he stood up for a lot of it, holding onto me watching and going "who, who, who, who" and smiling when he saw something he really liked.
Fun was had by all. My friend Chelsie took a bunch of pictures and I took a video of Samba OLYWA - a samba drum and dance group that were all dressed like Zebras so you can get an idea...Unfortunately Dave had to work but we went and visited him right afterwards so he could get the full effect of the Octopus suit :)
oh man, i thought the last one was cute. this is amazing :)