Not quite sure where the last month went to- all of sudden its nearly Thanksgiving and a certain someone's birthday is quite soon indeed. Perhaps the month dissolved into a frenzy of grad school, work, and last and certainly least the flu for the last week...oh and then there was the missing camera too- in any case things are starting to right themselves around here and the little man is well cute as ever! see for yourself and happy thanksgiving to all! Hope we get to connect with a lot of you over the holidays and if not we send lots of hugs!
Em, Dave and Jonah
A few shots from halloweeen at the bottom including one of his now favorite moves climbing up on the couch (don't ya just love climbing octopuses!) and some cute ones from just the last few days after we found our missing camera...this morning he was eating toast with me in the kitchen up on the counter and last night working with Dad who was fixing up his the very top one on the couch he had stolen daves apple and was eating the whole thing with his 6 little teeth...I can't believe how big he is already!
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