Monday, February 9, 2009

over the hills...

Jonah took his first cross country flight last week to visit his great gramma, grandparents, aunt and uncle and many more. He was great on the flight and a fantastic baby all week. It was cold and snowy to be sure but we managed miss any major storms while we visited. It was much too short as always and very special- and nice to have extra help! Dave, Travis and I even got to go skiing together one afternoon while Gramma Nan babysat little Jonah...thanks mom!!!

Jonah impressed us all with his new smiling abilities, and has begun to talk more and more...well coo i suppose. He has now been in four states (WA, OR, MA, and NH) 46 more to go!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! I'm so glad you decided to start a blog!

    I love all the pictures of Jonah, but especially the sunglasses picture. Too cute! And I'm not sure, but seeing him in the bath makes me think he may have overtaken Spring in size. He's a big boy!!

